BanG Dream! Wikia
BanG Dream! Wikia
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A Sparkling Stage (Wakamiya Eve)


Title A Sparkling Stage
Member Eve (icon) Wakamiya Eve
Episodes Episode
Three-Legged Race?
Special Episode
Tonto the Fairy?
Band Pastel*Palettes logo
Rarity Star untrainedStar untrained
Attribute Powerful Powerful
Skill Name Like a Demon with an Iron Rod? (鬼に金棒?)
Skill (Lvl 5) 300 Life Recovery and Score increased by 10% for 8.0 secs
Availability Permanent Gacha
Server Availability Jp Tw Kr En Cn 
Card ID № 00357


Other Powerful Eve

For other Powerful cards, see here.
For other Wakamiya Eve cards, see here.