BanG Dream! Wikia
BanG Dream! Wikia
Prepare yourselves, everyone. This performance will be our shining moment.
Bridge of Emotions
Bridge of Emotions T


Title Bridge of Emotions
Member Yukina (icon) Minato Yukina
Episodes Episode
After-School Band Members
Special Episode
Path Towards the Summit
Band Roselia logo white outline
Rarity Star trainedStar trainedStar trainedStar trained
Attribute Powerful Powerful
Skill Name The Same Warmth (同じ温もり)
Skill (Lvl 5) 450 Life Recovery and Score increased by 60% for 7.5 secs
Availability Gacha394
Server Availability Jp Tw Kr En Cn 
Card ID № 00724


Other Powerful Yukina

For other Powerful cards, see here.
For other Minato Yukina cards, see here.