BanG Dream! Wikia
BanG Dream! Wikia
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Garupa Cafe♪ 2019 (Toyama Kasumi)


Title Garupa Cafe♪ 2019
Member Kasumi (icon) Toyama Kasumi
Band Poppin'Party logo
Rarity Star untrainedStar untrained
Attribute Powerful Powerful
Skill Name Hello! Welcome to the Collab Cafe! (안녕! 콜라보 카페에 어서 와!)
Skill (Lvl 5) GREAT becomes PERFECT and Score increased by 10% for 8.0 secs
Availability Girls Band Party! (KR) × Hongdae Dungeon Collab Cafe Login Reward
Server Availability Kr 
Card ID № KR_300176


Other Powerful Kasumi

For other Powerful cards, see here.
For other Toyama Kasumi cards, see here.