BanG Dream! Wikia
BanG Dream! Wikia
She who overcomes the very laws of existence. The sacred but fallen angel makes her descent! Boom!! It's Princess Ako!!
Necromancer of the Abyss
Necromancer of the Abyss T


Title Necromancer of the Abyss
Member Ako (icon) Udagawa Ako
Episodes Episode
Ako's Something Cool
Special Episode
Let's Play an MMO!
Band Roselia logo white outline
Rarity Star trainedStar trainedStar trainedStar trained
Attribute Happy Happy
Skill Name This Necromancy's Kinda Cool! (なんかすごい死霊術!)
Skill (Lvl 5) Score increased by 90% (110% if Life is over 900) for 7.0 secs
Availability Gacha188
Server Availability Jp Tw Kr En Cn 
Card ID № 00363


Other Happy Ako

For other Happy cards, see here.
For other Udagawa Ako cards, see here.